Tyra Banks' makeup campaign: 'Smoke Your Eyes, Not Cigarettes'
Banks is not a smoker herself, but her grandmother died from lung cancer. For that reason, it's a cause very close to her heart. And to propel her fight forward, she's taking the foundation of her fan base the beauty industry and using it as her weapon.
Tyra Beauty and Truth's, "Smoke Your Eyes, Not Cigarettes" campaign includes a "TyOver" makeup kit specifically designed to create a smoldering eye look. Called "Smoky Smize," the web copy for the product states: "Got a light? Now you've met your match."
It also reads: "The Only Thing I Smoke Are My Eyes."
Brilliant tie-in and a fun idea. But will it work? Or is Tyra just blowing smoke?
"Remember how cool movie stars like the Marlboro Man and Joe the Camel helped lure young people to start smoking?" New York based plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry asked TODAY. "Well, frankly, I think this is a better campaign than some of the shock TV ads provided by the government."
"Having a celebrity of Tyra's status speak out and say that smoking is uncool may be equally successful, if not more," he continued. "So, while it may not be my campaign of choice, it's going to hit a group of young women and it'll register for some of them that 'beautiful' people dont smoke cigarettes."
While there's no doubt that Tyra's efforts are well-intentioned and that the cause is a worthy one, will it really pack a punch with beauty consumers?
"I think what Tyra is trying to do is commendable, but I don't have any faith that it'll create widespread success," said lifestyle and beauty editor Bryce Gruber of The Luxury Spot. "Smoking is. a serious addiction."
What do you think? Share your thoughts with us on TODAY Style's Facebook page.